Playmaker to code?

Hello there everyone,

I’m not entirely sure where to post this question, so if this is the incorrect place I do apologise in advance. I was just wondering is there some facility to convert playmaker into code so that it might be easier to amend if the need arises for increased complexity. I do hope that made sense.

Thank you.

There is not a tool to do code generation from the designed fsm. You could open the Action source files and see the code there, then build your own solutions by stitching together the code, but that would be a huge waste of time.

Is there some measurable performance or workflow reason why you would want to bake everything to code?

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Oh thank you for your reply! In truth, I wasn’t entirely sure what is possible or not. I suppose as we’re building are prototypes it would be useful to know we can pick out the source and drop them into say a ‘manager script’ of sorts, if that is the right terminology? We’ll will have a look at the action source files later.

Yes we did have a look inside the Actions folder and it looks exactly what we need. Incredibly useful and organised isn’t it?