PlayMaker vs uScript

I have been looking at these two frameworks closely the past few days, and I still don’t know the difference between the two!

PlayMaker is FSM based, where as uScript is Node based, correct?

What I would like to know: give me some examples or situations that you can do in PlayMaker, that can’t be done in uScript, and vice-versa. OR if there isn’t a situation like this, what would be the easier to create ‘X’ scenario, PlayMaker or uScript.

I appreciate any clarification on this, I am really stumped on two in terms of possibilities. Again, they both seem like they are capable of doing the same thing just handled differently.

After reviewing two, I have purchased PlayMaker…

It’s much more easier to use (for me at least) and anywhere it fall short you can simply code your own script to handle the problem and even communicate back to PlayMaker… Only downside is being DDL based, but I don’t think that’ll be a problem and their support is simply great…

Uscipt is much more low level and generates the c# code instead of using a DLL. But it also means you"ll need to save/compile (and possible wait for it a bit) your changes… Also being that low level might also cause very big node setup…

Also PlayMaker recently put a great tutorial series by Christopher Orth of Well Played Games on-line for free… I’d strongly suggest checking it out…