I’m having this error when performing unity Test TearDown :
MissingReferenceException while executing ‘performed’ callbacks of ‘Cursor/Cursor Position[/Mouse/position]’
My guess is the mouse inputs are still listen while everything is shutting down. I only manually created one gamepad. I guess the system adds the rest automatically while in play mode
yield return null;```
Here is the asset corresponding

How can I avoid "real" inputs to be performed from the Input system, so just programmatic ones are taken into account.
Could you please file a bug report for this? We are currently trying to improve the user test support so it will help us to be aware of these issues.
To isolate the input system and put it in a known state, it’s best to use InputTestFixture. It’ll set up the input system with no devices and disconnected from platform input at the beginning of a test and will automatically clean it up at the end.
Thanks for the hint, though I tried using InputTextFixture in playMode tests by creating an instance of it and input discovery is not disabled (mouse&keyaboard still interact)
I’m creating the instance in the [UnitySetUp]
InputTest = new InputTestFixture();
_gamepadDevice = InputSystem.AddDevice<Gamepad>();```
I tried a little check in the tear down as it is shown in the documentation
public IEnumerator TearDownUnity()
Assert.AreEqual(InputSystem.devices.Single(), _gamepadDevice);
Alternatively, you can instantiate it in your fixture:
class MyTestFixture
private InputTestFixture input = new InputTestFixture();
public void SetUp() { input.Setup() }
public void TearDown() { input.TearDown() }
It’s close to a working state now. However on teardown the InputSystem.devices list has discovered other devices, maybe it is expected ?
Indeed, the docs are misleading there. Will push a fix. Thanks for the post.
That would be unexpected. And somewhat surprising. If correctly initialized (i.e. after its Setup() method has been called), InputTestFixture completely isolates the system and cuts it off from the native runtime that has the device discovery hooks. The only device “discoveries” that should surface during a test run are those made through the InputSystem API.
Does this run before or after InputTestFixture.TearDown? The test fixture will nuke the entire input state (including any registered layouts, added devices, etc) and restore the “real” input system state. This also means you usually don’t have to perform any cleanup work. You can even fiddle with InputSettings and such and the fixture will automatically restore the pre-test conditions on completion.
This Assert.AreEqual(1, InputSystem.devices.Count, "Devices are "+InputSystem.devices.ToDelimitedString(";"));
runs prior to the clean up where I’d expect to have only the test device added.
public IEnumerator TearDownUnity()
Assert.AreEqual(1, InputSystem.devices.Count, "Devices are "+InputSystem.devices.ToDelimitedString(";"));
//Other clean up tasks are performed then finally
yield return null;
Another related issue with InputTestFixture:
When running a test and it is canceled by user, (may occur on errors as well) the previous state of the Input System isn’t restored. Simple use case is :
Cancel a test with InputTestFixture
Launch my game in the editor just after, no inputs are generated.
If I close and reopen the editor then it works again.
semi-unrelated, but I’ve been having trouble with mocking inputs in InputTestFixtures and would be very grateful if you could show how you’ve managed it.
Did you had the opportunity to look into that issue ?
It’s still reproducing in unity 2019.4.9f1 LTS and Input System 1.1.0-preview 1
Basically Input System mock is still operating and it does discover devices anymore. A simple way to reset it could do the trick. For now the only fix is to relaunch the editor.
For anyone coming here after Googling this issue: I solved this issue by disabling the fast enter play mode settings (Project Settings > Editor > Enter Play Mode Settings). Seems the input is reset on a domain reload. I found editing some code and letting it recompile would also force it to reset.