Playstation 3 Input axis

So I’m trying to figure out the axisses for the PlayStation 3.
I’ve got these so far:

joystick button 0/14 - Cross

joystick button 1/13 - Circle

joystick button 2/15 - Square

joystick button 3/12 - Triangle

joystick button 4 - up

joystick button 5 - right

joystick button 6 - down

joystick button 7 - left

joystick button 8 - L2

joystick button 9 - R2

joystick button 10 - L1

joystick button 11 - R1

joystick button 16 - PS3 Home Button

So now I’m missing the left and right analog stick buttons, but more importantly: the Select and Start button. Does anyone know if they around bound to any button at all?

These worked for me… after I set them up in Edit->ProjectSettings->Input. You have to set up the x and y axes, then the 4th and 5th axes to correspond to these settings for each joystick, and name them as shown (Thanks for the otherwise full layout of buttons!)

Left stick:

Horizontal - Input.GetAxisRaw(“Joy1 Axis 1”);

Vertical - Input.GetAxisRaw(“Joy1 Axis 2”);

Right stick:

Horizontal - Input.GetAxisRaw(“Joy1 Axis 4”);

Vertical - Input.GetAxisRaw(“Joy1 Axis 5”);

Triangle - joystick button 0

Circle - joystick button 1

Cross - joystick button 2

Square - joystick button 3

L1 - joystick button 4

R1 - joystick button 5

L2 - joystick button 6

R2 - joystick button 7

Select - joystick button 8

Start - joystick button 9

L3 - joystick button 10

R3 - joystick button 11

Left Analogic - joystick button 12

Right Analogic - joystick button 13