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any thoughts?comments?

It looked pretty good for a alpha. I liked your gun model and the reload animation was very nice.
a few changes i would advice is that your particle affect needs some work, it seamed to linger on the screen to long for being sparks.
it is a very good start.
keep us posted.

thanks man, I was fidling around with the sparks particle and decided it’d be cool to make puffs of (wood chips???) anyway thanks for the good comment and we’ll hopefully have a good impression of the full game in a month or two!

announcements ^^


Screenshots for all!


Looks awesome!

We need that playable pre Alpha, man! Stop holding back! :wink:

Believe me, I really want to show it all to you guys but my conscious makes me want it to be perfect, right now I’m setting up ambient sounds,music and some cool objectives like destroying a fuel storage facility.

However I can detail some things:

-The demo takes place on a beachhead in southeast asia
-The squad is NOT shown in the demo
-The level is very open (eg Medal Of Honor Airborne)
-The level has multiple objectives that the player can choose to tackle in any way imagined
-The weapons in the demo are: the Silent killer MP5 and the Russian sniper rifle : the SV99

I’d also like to note that the AI featured in the demo are not of the final product and are using the FPS tutorial code (slightly modded). Our code is still being worked on but will not be featured in the pre alpha.

Hope that wet your feet a bit :smile:


So, I did see a MP5K sub machine gun in those screenies, didn’t I! A great resource for how today’s weapons reload and look is the Urban Terror realism mod for Quake 3 Arena, available as a standalone, so you don’t have to have Quake 3 Arena, and it’s free! It shows the reload cycles and other statistics of the KaBar Next Generation Knife, Beretta 92FS, IMI .50 AE Desert Eagle, Franchi SPAS12 Shotgun, Heckler Koch UMP45, Heckler Koch MP5K, Heckler Koch HK69, ZM Weapons LR300ML, Kalashnikov AK-103, Heckler Koch G36E, Heckler Koch PSG-1, Remington SR-8, IMI NEGEV LMG, M-4. All the information for those weapons can be found here. If you get Urban Terror, you can probably extract the guns and animations from the zpak file (rename to .zip and open) for better reference. (If you have to play it, play on BLR Server or Wurst Test Server, they’re the best team DM servers out there.)

Good luck!

Doesn’t look too bad, which is good. Don’t forget your shadows! :smile:

Good luck with the rest!

I have played urban terror, but I’d rather use my own team’s weapons, try to keep the game as original as possible. Also, I don’t have Unity Pro so no shadows :stuck_out_tongue: would be awesome though!

Nono, I didn’t mean it that way. I meant for you to use it as a reference, because they have it already figured out. You can still use your own versions of them, with your own animations, but I was saying you could use it as a guide or something, I dunno.

Oh thanks, we’ve been looking at Far Cry 2 a HELL of a lot. UPDATES FOR ALL! :!:

nice! :slight_smile:

You can bake a light map for the terrain and objects. For moving objects you can use the shadow projector that comes in the standard assets. :smile:

I had used shadow projectors for some things but that heavily impacted on performance on lower-grade machines. Thank you guys for all your comments so far and we’re excited to show it off soon :wink:

Seriously? :?

I thought that the projectors were very performance friendly (hence the reason they existed in N64 games and such). What makes them intensive for low grade machines? Also, can you define these “Low grade machines”?

You can still make the lightmaps though! :slight_smile:

Projectors cause the objects they are projected on to be redrawn once for each projector. A terrain is already a fairly expensive object, so if you have a half-dozen projectors on it, you’re drawing it 7 times.
