PLease Examine This door and Tell me whats wrong

Here is the web Player for this door:

Here is my script for this door :

var door : GameObject; 
var doorAudio : AudioClip;
var openAnimation : AnimationClip; 
var closeAnimation : AnimationClip; 

function Awake() {
   door.animation.AddClip(openAnimation, "Open"); 
   door.animation.AddClip(closeAnimation, "Close"); 

// Opening Door 
function OnTriggerEnter() { 

// Closing Door 
function OnTriggerExit() { 
		yield WaitForSeconds (3);


If you walk through the door, you can hear that the sound is playing multiple times on itself, anyone know a fix for this?

Be more discerning about what specific trigger colliders actually affect the door?

Does This Help:

Do you have two colliders on that door?; thus both scripts would fire off the sound?

Both sides of the door are separate objects, eh? Well, to solve this problem, create an empty object with the AudioSource and the opening sound attached. Add an empty variable for the AudioSource in your code, attach the AudioSource to the code for both halves, and tell the code to:

if (sourcey.isPlaying == false) {

Thank you I will try this tonight and let you know if it works!!

I couldn’t get it to work,this is the error message I got:

Could you maybe write out the code and I can copypasta that, I may have done it wrong I’m guessing. Or maybe I misunderstood something in the empty object.

The empty object is an AudioSource, not an AudioClip. The AudioSource is configured in the editor to hold an AudioClip.