Please help accessing JS script from a c# script

Hi, I am coding my game in C# but I found a great asset on the store but its in JS. You are instructed to add the following code to the player, but I cant do this in my player manager script as its in c# so I have create a new JS script and attached it to the player.

The script is:

#pragma strict

    private var speech : Speech; 	// this entity's speech reference
    public var speechHolder : Transform; 	// position where speech bubble will stay, preferably right above a head

    function Start () {

    function Update () {


    function SetSpeech()
        speech = Instantiate(SpeechManager.bubble,, Quaternion.identity).GetComponent(Speech);	
        speech.holder = speechHolder; // pass holder

Now, in order for the script to be called you are supposed to use:


But in order to do that, it assumes you will be calling it within the same script, I however need to access this from various C# scripts that will trigger text.

I cannot for the life of me access it like I do any other script as it says that the namespace isn’t there.

I would normally use a method like:

GameObject thePlayer = GameObject.Find("ThePlayer");
PlayerScript playerScript = thePlayer.GetComponent<PlayerScript>();

But this just errors as I cannot call the PlayerScript by name, all my other C# scripts are showing, just not this JS one.

Please can someone help?

Or ideally, convert that JS into C# so I can attach into my main character script!!

The best thing to do is to recode the script by yourself
It’s not that hard, it only takes time
Create a new C# script with the same name (or an other)
Copy the js script and paste it in your c# script
Remplace every “var” and “function” by the corresponding variable type
Check for errors and do the modifications needed (c# is more restrictive than js so you might have to make some research on write some commands correctly).
It’s actually faster than coding a whole new script.

Read this Script Compilation

All the C# scripts are compiled before your JS script so your c# scripts can not access the variables from your JS script.

The solution will be to place the JS files in the Standard Assets hierarchy to force it to be compiled before the C# scripts which access these JS files.