I wondered if anyone could give any pointers in regards plugins and building out for Android.
The plugins I have are:
What do I with manifests? Do i merge all of the required properties into the main android manifest in root of android plugins?
What about tall the separate res folders in each plugin? Does unity merge these?..because Ive been getting errors:/
To cap it all now for some reason I am getting this error:
-bootclasspath “/Applications/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140702/sdk/platforms/android-21/android.jar” -d “/Users/adriangoddard/Desktop/tail/Temp/StagingArea/bin/classes” -source 1.6 -target 1.6 -encoding UTF-8 “com/acreative/tailrelease/R.java” “com/google/android/gms/R.java” “com/kamcord/android/R.java”
warning: java/lang/Object.class(java/lang:Object.class): major version 51 is newer than 50, the highest major version supported by this compiler.
And I thought I had eradicated this earlier today…and I have been battling with problems with res path attributes not being found.
I am really lost in how to fix this so any pointers in how to make plugins play nicely with each other would be really really appreciated.
As a note I have made a clean project with ZERO plugins and I have no problems whatsoever building a simple api file.
thanks very much in advance