Please help me. Can't submit app itunes

Please help me. Can’t submit app itunes.

in the logs I found two errors
“<IDEDistributionIssue: severity(error), error(Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-20008 "The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to extract archive. Please make sure /var/folders/wg/x19cbm5176nfdl_9rbllv5_c0000gn/T/XCodeDistPipeline.XAs/Unity-iPhone.ipa is a valid zip or ipa archive." UserInfo=0x7fb9788ae580 {NSLocalizedDescription=The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to extract archive. Please make sure /var/folders/wg/x19cbm5176nfdl_9rbllv5_c0000gn/T/XCodeDistPipeline.XAs/Unity-iPhone.ipa is a valid zip or ipa archive., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.})>”
and now this
2015-04-08 13:57:57 +0000 [MT] -[IDEDistributionProvisioning _signingCertificatesApplicableForTeamID:certificateKind:isForInstaller:error:]: identityCertificatesMatchingKind [kind=1.2.840.113635.] = (
“<DVTSigningCertificate: 0x7fb977ce7700; name=‘iPhone Distribution: Irina Utkina (AK648R39W2)’, hash=‘CE471AAC82798A30451A4DADA6BB388F8791D309’>”

Thanks for the help, the bug is fixed, Submit not happened because the connected plug-in asimpleplugin.bundle . was in the project to Unity added Assets. It

How you can fix the “unable to extract problem”? Because I have the same error and I can’t fix it, and I don’t understand what you say
Thank you!!

For Unity 5.1 users, in Xcode Unity project, Build Phases, Copy Bundle Resources. try removing .bundle file(s) that might causing the Code Sign Failed error.