Please help me find the right Cook Book


I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask this, if not I am sorry.

I am looking into using Unity and from past experiences nothing helps more than a well written guide book. I am hoping someone who brought a book might be able to reccomend one to me.

So far I have found, unity 4.x game development by example beginner’s guide.

Here are some things that might help:

My budget is £50
I use a Mac
I am confident in programs that will be used for asset creation (Maya, Mudbox etc)
I know most of the lingo used in other engines (I have used Cryengine for 3 years)
I know NOTHING about programming, my Cry work was mostly just porting and placing in custom assets.
I know very little about Unity and what version I have downloaded, 4x, 3x? (Downloaded it last month, free version)

S0 thanks for any help!

I’m sure there are some great books out there - but honestly there are so many tutorials you can access for free on the internet that personally I wouldn’t bother with a book.

Rather look at a digital tutors subscription. For the price of the book you can get a few months subscription with many many hours of high quality Unity video tutorials.

Well packtpub have a lot of books which are quite good, they also sell short video courses aimed at Unity beginners. I have quite a few ebooks but nothing beats having a hard copy when one just wants to find that one needle in a haystack.

Thanks, but can anyone recomend a certain book? Like the one I mentioned in the OP. There are tons of books to choose from, I just need advice in which one to buy.

And yes, I have tried free tutorials, but they are just not as good as a book… They always have diffrent layouts/versions, do not explain certain points, they just cause frustration on my part.

Wouldn’t a book be the same though? layouts would probably be different.

And the thing is with a book is the second its published it’s already outdated.

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Personnally, i learnt with this book. Maybe you can find an updated one somewhere.

I will look into this Digital Tutors. Thanks.