please help me for my Multiplayer game

Hi sorry for my bad english.
i have one question
i make a multiplayer game but when i change my ip with vpn for example (Canada to usa) i see my server in my server list with MasterServer.RequestHostList(“Test”); but when i click on connect button don’t work and don’t connect to my server and when i turn off my vpn everything work.

i use:

  1. Network.InitializeSecurity ();

  2. Network.InitializeServer (100, Random.Range(1000,99999995), !Network.HavePublicAddress ());

  3. MasterServer.RegisterHost (“Test”, "Server: " + MyServerName);

please help me and thank you

i wouldn’t think the VPN wouldn’t have anything to do with it besides possibly getting a bad connection. maybe its just a “bad day” for the connection. I get that sometimes with my VPN.

even on the master server machine , if your VPN is turned on, your machine will still listen to incomming connections from whatever port you tell it to.

why is have publicaddress set to false? I might be wrong but i thought that was for LAN connections