Please help me my project wont let me build

when i click build it says loding assets then does a windows sound then closes. what happended and how do i fix this?

it should say something in the console as to why - and if it doesnt check you are allowing it to show all errors

where do i find that( allowing showing errors)

Well IMHO its hard to miss, its called Console, as I said, i cant tell you where it is because it depends on your layout but you can find it through the window menu… as for displaying errors well theres 3 buttons on the right of the console panel and they turn off debug, warning and errors… so… if you dont know what it is, it would normally make sense you havent changed it… but make sure they are on… and the console will tell you what the errors are…

i would strongly suggest you follow some tutorials if this is such a struggle its only going to get worse

This thing: Unity - Manual: Console Window

Always keep it open and visible.