How to attach shooting gun to my eyes???(HTC vive) When I press the button on the controller, it should fire from my eyes. But it doesn’t work! please help me what to do!! I really need your help!
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There are two scrips(1. VRYK_ObjectAutoGrab//2.Gun) to attach the gun to front view of camera.
// 1. VRYK_ObjectAutoGrab
namespace VRTK { using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class VRTK_ObjectAutoGrab : MonoBehaviour
public VRTK_InteractableObject objectToGrab;
public bool cloneGrabbedObject;
private VRTK_InteractGrab controller;
private IEnumerator Start()
controller = GetComponent<VRTK_InteractGrab>();
if (!controller)
Debug.LogError("The VRTK_InteractGrab script is required to be attached to the controller along with this script.");
yield break;
VRTK_InteractableObject grabbableObject = objectToGrab;
if (cloneGrabbedObject)
grabbableObject = Instantiate(objectToGrab);
//2. Gun
using UnityEngine; using VRTK;
public class Gun : VRTK_InteractableObject { public static Camera main; private GameObject bullet; private float bulletSpeed = 2000f; private float bulletLife = 1f; private AudioSource gunAudio;
public override void StartUsing(GameObject usingObject)
main = GetComponentInParent();
protected override void Start()
gunAudio = GetComponent();
bullet = transform.Find(“Bullet”).gameObject;
private void FireBullet()
GameObject bulletClone = Instantiate(bullet, bullet.transform.position, bullet.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
Rigidbody rb = bulletClone.GetComponent();
rb.AddForce(-bullet.transform.forward * bulletSpeed);
Destroy(bulletClone, bulletLife);