Please, Help me

I’m watching youtube tutorials from and already on first tutorial (for health bar) i have problem with scripting. The code i’m typing is:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerHealth : MonoBehaviour {
public int maxHealth = 100;
public int curHealth = 100;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


void OnGUI {
GUI.Box (new Rect (10,10,Screen.width/2/(maxHealth/curHealth),20), curHealth + “/” + maxHealth);


After it, on compailer errors which comes are:
Assets/Scripts/PlayerHealth.cs(19,17): error CS1014: A get or set accessor expected

Assets/Scripts/PlayerHealth.cs(18,14): error CS0547: `PlayerHealth.OnGUI’: property or indexer cannot have void type

Can anyone please help me? I’m using x64 Win7 and i just can’t find problem :
Please and thank you :slight_smile:


void OnGUI {


void OnGUI () {

I can’t believe that I didn’t see that. I was looking at it 2 hours, searching for problem and still nothing. Cannot thank you more :slight_smile: Sorry for my stupid question

Those errors should take all of 3 seconds for a beginner programmer to understand the problem. It outright says you are trying to use OnGUI as a property.

Read the errors, research the errors, and you’ll save yourself the two hours next time.

I politely disagree. It’s an oversight, and the error, while to a more experienced developer may seem straightforward, is obtuse to explaining that the dev is forgetting something in the code.

In short, don’t sweat it Tommz, live and learn!

That’s what Google is for.

Wow, I somehow forgot. Thanks anyway!