Please help-me

this javascript is correct ? The unity says no.

#pragma strict
var PosiX :float;
var PosiY :float;
var altur :float;
var largu :float;

function Start () {

altur = 50;
largu = 50;
PosiX = Screen.width -50 ;
PosiY = Screen.height 30 ;


function Update ()


function OnGui () {



It’s helpful to use the code format:

#pragma strict
var PosiX :float;
var PosiY :float;
var altur :float;
var largu :float;

function Start () {
  altur = 50;
  largu = 50;
  PosiX = Screen.width -50 ;
  PosiY = Screen.height 30 ;

function Update ()


function OnGui () {
  if(GUI.Button(Rect(PosiX,PosiY,altur,largu),"")) {

Any chance you are using JavaScript in Visual Studio and not in Mono Develop or a JavaScript IDE?

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This line for sure won’t compile:

PosiY = Screen.height 30 ;

probably meant to be

PosiY = Screen.height - 30 ;

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