So i am making a multiplayer FPS and everything is working great spawning, Network view, etc.
The only problem i have is when i go to pick up an object on the ground it keeps giving me an error NulRreferenceException and it will not let me pick up the object or anything else.
Here is the full error message below.
UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[FPSPlayer] () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/d3d49558e4d408f4/artifacts/EditorGenerated/UnityEngineGameObject.cs:28)
HealthPickup.PickUpItem () (at Assets/!Realistic FPS Prefab Files/Scripts/Items/HealthPickup.cs:25)
UnityEngine.Component:SendMessageUpwards(String, SendMessageOptions)
FPSPlayer:FixedUpdate() (at Assets/!Realistic FPS Prefab Files/Scripts/Player/FPSPlayer.cs:512)
Please help me i would really like to get this problem fixed! thank you.
reply to this if anyone needs any more information
Thanks again!