Ok, so i logged in this morning to find this message in the console:
Error loading launcher://unity/C:/Users/MyPC/AppData/Roaming/Unity/Packages/node_modules/unity-editor-home/dist/index.html?code=tfToAh7S4FYSDCRS1dfdYA009f&locale=en&session_state=818e369ad582b4accb11661188ffd07440a7c2e924cec6465241c1a76814a1ad.M1e9aaFcHJ9MmugOgyXUxQ00af#/login
UnityConnectUserInfoRequest: Timed out while fetching user - please check your network connection
My internet is working perfectly, Ive tried dozens of websites and downloads to test.
Nothing else other than Unity is running and I have nothing else (and nobody else) using my network. I’m getting 85mbps.
I did notice my upload speed was slightly lower than average when I checked it was 1.8mbps, but I’d suggest that should be easily enough to not make Unity give these error messages out
Googling, has given me many different versions of the opinion of what causes these. I think it better i just right here, unless there is an official Unity support line I can call or contact.