Please Help! Unity XR Plug In Manager wont load. ArrgumentException: JSON parse error: Missing a co

I been trying to troubleshoot the editor to solve a parse error for a few days and hours of work. It won’t allow me to any thing because its greyed out.

Quite the editor. Then, depending on if you are on Mac or WIndows, you can go to one of the locations outline here: Unity - Scripting API: EditorPrefs And delete and key that starts with XRMGMT.

If you can export any of those to a file, zip it up and send it to me that would help. I would love to see what is in there that is not correct JSON.

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Dear Joejo

Thank you for helping me so much! Deleting the registery fixed everything thankyou so much. I have been on this for a whole week snooping though files checking for coma problems now I can learn and work on the dream. Thank you so much I can’t express my gratitude enough. :sweat_smile:

Glad to know it helped.