I DO NOT want to do it for a texture type other than “Default”. But when I switch it to “Sprite (2D and UI)”, it un-resizes back to how it really is, and then I can switch it back to “Default” and it will keep its “non power of two” stat. I want newer imported images to be likes this, Default and non resized. However, saving that image’s settings to a preset and marking it as default, will mimic everything BUT NOT the power of two part.
So, how can I disable the automatic resizing of non power of two images?
Hey @Dyzinel ,
Using Presets for that is definitely the right way to do it.
Would it be possible for you to open a bug with your preset so that we can look into why it doesn’t apply the power of two properly?
Thank you.
Thanks for answering.
Also, sorry for the late continuity, as I completely forgot I even asked it after watching a video explaining why “non-power of two texture” sizes are so bad. I don’t think it is a bug, but rather, Unity by nature doesn’t really saves this preference in the presets. I believe that even if you or anyone else were to manually set a texture to a “non-power of two” size while still saving its preset in the default type (instead of ui type), Unity will entirely ignore this change. Everything else you change in the texture presets will work as intended, but just not this aspect, as if it was intended, assuming no one would really do something so suboptimal as using a “non-power of two” texture, since it uses way more memory than it should. But well, since after watching that video, I don’t even want to do it anymore, it’s all good.