following up on this feedback thread that was closed apparently: Please let me deactivate the Hub menu bar icon on macOS
please add an option to remove the hub icon from the Mac OS menu bar.
they’ve since added an option “Hide the Hub to macOS menu bar when Unity Editor opens”, which is an awkward half-measure. why not just give the option to remove it from the menu bar completely?
Seconded. Also, I feel it odd that a thread was closed when clearly so many people want that feature (or absence of feature really: not adding unity into the menubar…), and that absence of feature hasnt been provided yet.
Definiely agreed! It’s already taking space in the dock, it shouldn’t be taking my precious space in the menu bar. I don’t want to see it there, all the time, acting oh so important.
They need to choose only 1, dock or menu bar, I wouldn’t mind the menu bar if it could get out of my dock