Please Tell Me Whats Wrong (C#)

alright you guys can ignore everything but the variables about the respawn system. I set it so that when i die it should wait 10 seconds instead it waits only 3, and if i died for the second time it doesnt count down at all and i instantly respawn. Plz tell me whats wrong with the code or is it a bug in unity?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Player : Entity {

	public int level;
	private float experienceToLevel;
	private float currentLevelExperience;
	public Transform spawnPoint;
	public int totalMoney;
	public CharacterController playerPrefab;
	private GameGUI gui;
	private bool shouldCountdown;
	private PlayerController playerController;
	private bool dieTimer;
	private float dieTimerDelay = 20;
	private bool shouldRespawn;

	private ShopGUI shopGUI;

	void Start(){
		 playerController = gameObject.GetComponent<PlayerController>();
		dieTimer = false;
		shouldCountdown = false;

		shopGUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("shop").GetComponent<ShopGUI> ();

		gui = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("GUI").GetComponent<GameGUI>();
		LevelUp ();
		gui.SetPlayerHealth (health);

	void Update(){

			dieTimerDelay =0;

		if(health <=0){
			shouldCountdown = true;


		if(health >0){

			shouldCountdown = false;
			dieTimerDelay = 10;

		if (shouldCountdown == true) {

			dieTimerDelay = 10;
			dieTimerDelay -= Time.time;


		if(dieTimerDelay <=0){
			shouldRespawn = true;

		if(dieTimerDelay >0){

			shouldRespawn = false;

		Debug.Log ("Should i respawn: "+shouldRespawn);


	public void Dead(){

		totalMoney = totalMoney / 2;
		transform.position = new Vector3(-7.5f,0.6f,-3);
		playerController.walkSpeed = 0;
		playerController.runSpeed = 0;
		playerController.canShoot = false;
			shouldRespawn = true;

		if(shouldRespawn == true&&dieTimerDelay<=0){
			dieTimerDelay = 10;
			Debug.Log(shouldRespawn +" / "+dieTimerDelay);
		Respawn ();

	private void Respawn(){

		transform.position = spawnPoint.transform.position;

		playerController.walkSpeed = 5;
		playerController.runSpeed = 8;
		playerController.canShoot = true;

		health = 100;
		dieTimerDelay = 10;
		shouldRespawn = false;
		shouldCountdown = false;
		gui.SetPlayerHealth (health);

	public void AddExperience(float xp){
		currentLevelExperience += xp;
			currentLevelExperience -= experienceToLevel;
		gui.SetPlayerXP (currentLevelExperience / experienceToLevel, level);
		Debug.Log (currentLevelExperience / experienceToLevel);

	public void AddMoney(int moneyToAdd){
		totalMoney += moneyToAdd;
		gui.SetPlayerMoney (totalMoney);

	public void AdjustCurrentHealth(float adj){
		 health -= adj;
		gui.SetPlayerHealth (health);

	private void LevelUp(){
		experienceToLevel = level * 50 + Mathf.Pow (level * 2, 2);

		AddExperience (0);


Shouldn’t use Time.time, which is the time since the game started, this is an increasing value. Time.deltaTime is the time it took to render the last frame, that is probably what you want to use in your code above.