Pledge for Unity developers to produce less bugs and break stuff

Hello there, Unity staff, first of all thank you for the awesome platform you provide us. I’m pretty sure it boosts the production of lot of indie/professional game developers out there. It helps me too build an awesome product!

However I must indicate the inconsistency there is between different releases and the bugs/problems that are constantly being introduced in new versions.

Often I find myself in situation where I see some nasty bug is fixed in a newer version, I update to it and it breaks tons of other stuff that already worked in the previous version.

So I have to choose whether that bug fix is more important than the other stuff that is being broken already.

I’ve been also in couple of situations where I need to re-download multiple older versions and check my game on each one of them to find which is most “stable” and find a balance between fixed and broken stuff.

I’m not sure how the development process in Unity goes, but maybe more integration tests will help solve this problem.

Thank you!

“Just don’t write bugs” is like the rallying cry of people who haven’t done any serious software development.


You will never be able to completely solve this problem. It’s simply the nature of the beast when it comes to very complex systems (both hardware and software) and while extensive testing may help catch many of them there will always be bugs that slip through the cracks because no one was able to anticipate the problem that would occur.

Did you take the time to read what I said. I never said “don’t write bugs”. I was referring to the huge regression there is. Not about new features

I agree with OP there is alot of unnecessary regression going on.

Though I must also give credit to UT for taking their time with all of our bug reports.

Ummm regression is a bug. “Don’t write regressions” == “Don’t write bugs”.

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If you’re working on something you plan on publishing any time soon, I’d recommend sticking with a Unity version that’s been patched at least 4 major times.

2017 LTS is on 4.6f1 and seems plenty stable. But even Unity 5 has been updated to 5.6.6 as recently as May of this year. I’m not sure what kind of stuff you’re working on, but I’d wager you can do it just fine using Unity 5 as opposed to the latest and greatest version.