Does anybody have any experience in implementing wrappers for native implementations that involves CoroutineScopes ? Do we have to wrap “Jobs” and “Deferred” to have them work? What about suspend functions?
How do I safely call join, await and cancel for these scenarios?
I am also not entirely sure on the data type association between C# and Kotlin especially for the return type and parameter types for function calls.
For example:
If I’m returning a ByteArray from Kotlin does it associate it to byte[ ] or AndroidJavaObject in C#?
The same for Array does it become AndroidJavaOjbect[ ] or AndroidJavaObject?
How do we also use generics implemented in Kotlin?
For example:
fun <T> subscribe(class: Class<T>, observer: Observer)
Do we simply just write something like this?"subscribe", javaClass, myJavaProxy)