I’ve got a bunch of PNG files in my Assets/Resources folder that are small when in the project but are huge when they get added to the resources.assets file after compiling. For example, a PNG that is 964 KB in the Assets folder is being reported as 8.8 mb, according to the editor.log.
Anybody know how I can get the size of these things down after compiling? Or is it even worth worrying about?
Unity doesn’t use source files for anything aside from importing; the only thing that matters is the texture import settings. There are never any formats like PNG, JPG, etc. in a build since graphics cards don’t use those.
I’m concerned that there’s all these uncompressed textures wasting hard drive space in the resources.assets file. Seems like they should get compressed down at some point.
When I build my project for standalone it comes out to 179 MB.
When I build it for Android it comes out to 46 MB.
Can somebody tell me if I should be worried about that big difference in build sizes?