PNG showing information that is not in file.

I have a .png file that was created by our designer and it looks fine in Photoshop, Preview and every other image viewer I look at but when I import it into Unity it has some very interesting artifacts. I cannot tell where they are coming from.

Photoshop File
alt text

Unity Preview Window*

alt text

I have the Texture Importer set to GUI because this is just going to be put on a plain that is Transparent->Diffuse. I have done this with multiple other images and it works fine. What am I missing here?

Try “Save for Web & Devices” instead of “Save as”.

Hope that helps.

The solution in my case was to ensure that the material was set to Transparent-Diffused. The preview of the image does look weird but when the material is set to Transparent-Diffused the artifacts vanish.