Hi everyone,
For 4 month, I have been working on a podracer game and I would like to share my progress with you in order to know if you could be interested in playing this game with its simulation mecanics.
When I say, a “Simulation game”, it’s not like Flight Simulator, but a game where you are in your pod, have to manage it and engines to reach the finish before the others.
If I share my progress now, it’s because the game has its physics done but it lakes some features I would like to add.
But let’s start with some pictures before more explanations :
A video is always better than some images so you can see a short gameplay here :
The goal of this project is to create a game close to the pod race we can see in the first episode of Star Wars. Each engine is completly independent and controlled by the cockpit. Engines and cockpit are composed of systems (levitator, stabilizer …). Each of these can overheat in stressed conditions and be damaged. This will alterate the functioning of the system. So it will be very important to use straight line to make some changes to recover the default behavior of the pod.
For the hologram, it was just for fun I made this but I would like to implement it as a gameplay part, may be, showing to the player which system has been damaged by overheating or a shock.
In the cockpit, there are a lot of buttons. It may scares but each button has a function for a system and some systems are in both engines and cockpit. For exemple, the levitator has 1 button and 8 sliders but it is present for engine and cockpit. So you will see it 3 times but it is the same thing for these 3 parts.
Where it is interesting is those lever buttons with a green LED above. These buttons are “Config buttons”. This is not functional yet but the aim is to use these buttons as macro for the pod. Enable or disable it, will enable/disable/change value of different systems that you will program before the race. They are here to simplify management during the race.
I have some work to do like cables linking pod to engines, UI elements, animations …
So I would be happy to get your question, feedback and advises. Feel free to ask in the youtube comments are here in the post.