Point light draw halo shows in scene view but not game view

I am using a point light to create a halo which I can dynamically change the color and range of during runtime. I am changing these variables using Light.color and Light.range. The changes work in the scene view, but the halo disappears completely in the game view. I am instantiating the object with the halo (but of course, the halo doesn’t show in game view). However, the original non-instantiated object shows its halo in game view (which has not been modified by any settings). Does anyone know what could be causing the halo not to show?

Any help would be appreciated.

Finally, I figured out what the problem was. I had increased the range of the point light to several thousand (which is where I wanted it to be). However, I didn’t realize that the visibility of point light halos decrease as their range increases. I couldn’t increase the intensity past 8 (since that’s as far as the slider for point lights goes) and that wasn’t enough. So, to solve the problem, I first increased the max clipping plane of my camera (I set it to 10000 but it could be different depending on the range of the point light) and then, since halos get fainter the closer they are to the camera, I increased the z position of the point light to get it farther from the camera. Since the scene was in 2D, nothing changed except the halo became visible. I increased the z to 20 (my camera is at z = -10) but different numbers may work.

lol i liked this question a lot because it showed me how dumb i am for one second.I had the same problem.Adjusting the size of Halo did fix the problem.Thanks for the answer

Changing the Camera “Projection” setting to ‘Orthographic’, seems to have given me better control. But of course this suits my purpose better than the ‘Perspective’ setting. But yes, the issue does lie in the z-axis and the light not reaching the camera.