Point light shadow doesn't work for Samsung S6 @OpenGL ES 3.0 defer rendering

I create a simple scene:

  1. a big cube as plane
  2. a capsule above #1
  3. a point light with Soft shadow. make sure you can see the shadow in Editor in play mode.
  4. Set Force OpenGL ES 3.0 in player setting
  5. Set Deferred in Rendering Path

Deploy the APK to Samsung S6 and you will notice the shadow is gone! But the same APK does work for any other devices like Nexus 7 (2013), ST8, …

but if you change #4 to use OpenGL ES 2.0, the shadow DOES work fine.

Is that a bug for Unity?

You better stick to “Force OpenGL ES 2.0” for release or you will experience issues on many devices.