point lights too many drawcalls mobile 2d game

I noticed that when i have point lights in a 2d game, I get +2 draw calls or something for each light per each sprite which adds up to 100-1000’s of draw calls very quick if i have something like 20 point lights and 20 sprites.

Is there absolutely no way around this? no way to render the sprites differently or some kind of tricks to make this work?

The reason is because my game has a flamethrower particle system and zombies that can be set on fire so each zombie on fire has to have its own light and the flamethrower itself has around 15 lights at full blast to give the illusion that the particles give off light,

It all looks very pretty and vibrant especially with a shimmering effect that you cant tell from the screenshot… but it also causes 100-1000’s of drawcalls which obviously kills frame rate on mobile.

I just don’t see any other way i can provide a vibrant light for each burning zombie other than using an actual light source.31762-drawcalls.png

Hey it worked Malfegor! I had my photoshop friend modify the image you supplied to white since he couldn’t easily make the black background transparent because of the gradient, and the result in game looks pretty dam good! I could even recreate my scripted flickering effect i had before by playing around with emission and lifetime values!
I used .png to save space for mobiles.

Thank you!

The modified version is attached below if anyone needs it as well :slight_smile:
It’s invisible in the viewer because of the transparency stuffs.
