I was looking for a way to register callbacks on a Slider reacting to Pointer Events:
The problem is the following: If i register a callback for a pointer event in the way shown below, there is areas of the ui where the slider can already be manipulated, but the event wont fire. If I position the mouse right on the bar (#unity-tracker) where the slider “slides on”, this works.
_slider.RegisterCallback<PointerDownEvent>(_ =>
Debug.Log($"[{GetType()}] slider was touched")
So I saw that the slider had an item in it called #unity-drag-container and tried registering the callback on it. Unfortunately without any sucess:
_slider.Q<VisualElement>("unity-drag-container").RegisterCallback<PointerDownEvent>(_ =>
Debug.Log($"[{GetType()}] Drag container was touched")
So my question is, how do I do this properly?
The sliders value is constantly manipulated by code since it is used as a video control bar. So I cannot simply use ValueChanged Events!