pointerEnter on a sphere, in a 2D project

I’ll try not to look like a complete idiot on my first question but I am.

In my Unity 2D project, I’ve found the sphere to have the ideal circular shape I’d like to use for mouse/touch inputs for the game, however,

-The Sphere only appears in the scene editor, not the game.
-The EventSystem does not highlight that the sphere has the mouse entered when the mouse is supposedly over the object.
-In attempting to use the sphere as a child object, only the parent Image is highlighted (the only real use of the sphere is as a hitbox for various uses, dragging or rotating the image).

With all that said, here’s my questions.

  1. Why can’t I see the sphere in the game view?
  2. Is there a way to use the sphere as the UI hitbox I’m after, or is there a better way to get a circular hitbox?

Thanks for your time on this

I am not sure what you are looking to do. I also do not know why you are not able to see the sphere in your game view. Try resetting the transform of the sphere game object. Because there is a circular collider you can get clicks using the OnMouseDown() function

void OnMouseDown()
    if (camera && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
        Vector3 mousePos = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
        Debug.Log("Mosuse is located at Vector3(" + mousePos.x + ", " + mousePos.y + ", " + mousePos.z + ")");