The AI is currently suitable for movement based on some kind of ground (also in 3D worlds). This is due to the planar shape of the sensors. As you might have seen already in the store, we are currently all in integrating real mesh-based 3D sensors for the Pro version. I guess that feature will be released in autumn this year. Then, our AI can be utilized for any degree of freedom in 3D.
Of course, we thought about this. At the moment, we are working together with a studio requiring determinism by all means. We plan to release a smaller patch adding this feature after the pathfinding patch (which is going to be released during the next 3 weeks).
I am amazed on what this thing can do so far, but I somehow encounter some sort of behavior problem that I do not understand. When I attempted to do this physics controller 2d onto the Agent seek with default torque and slightly lowered speed, it does not really turn as fast and inevitably lost focus on the objective. I plan to use physics 2d on the AI, and can any of you guys give suggestions on how I can better use steering behaviors with Physics controller (3d or 2d) applied so that they can turn smoothly?
It would be great if anyone can answer.
You can try this problem in the Seek/Flee Demo by adding the physics controller 2d and rigid body 2d and that behavior problem should occur.
I see the documentation and realized that the recommended numbers seems to be a good starting point. However, maybe show the recommended numbers for linear drag and angular drag on the tooltip for the torque and speed on the physics controller.
Weâre glad that you managed to figure it out. The character controllers we ship with Polarith AI are very basic because, in our opinion, this is the part where in most cases AI ends and the individual game begins. The more complex a game, the stronger the need for individual controllers which match the individual application best. Thatâs why we decided to put the source code of all example controllers into the plugin package.
Nevertheless, youâre definitely right. This should absolutely be part of the tooltip. As far as Iâm aware of this source code, this should actually be the case since version 1.0. The fact that it didnât show up for you means that we have to recheck the editor code concerning this classes for the next patch.
Here is the affected part of the source code in the AIMPhysicsController2D:
[Tooltip("Determines the base value of the applied force for rotating the character towards the decided " +
"direction. The default value of 0.05 is suitable for a rigidbody (2D) angular drag of 10, whereby the " +
"mass = 1 and a default 'PhysicsMaterial2D' should be used.")]
public float Torque = 0.05f;
[Tooltip("Determines the base value specifying how fast the character moves. This value is highly dependent " +
"on the 'Rigidbody2D.drag', 'Rigidbody2D.mass' and the 'PhysicsMaterial2D' used by the involved collider " +
"instances.\n\nFor the default value, you may use a 2D rigidbody configuration with mass = 1, drag = 5 " +
"and a default collider material.")]
public float Speed = 10f;
Another solution to this issue might be that we set up a rigidbody automatically with the correct start values when controller components are added, but this might piss off other guys who set up their rigidbodies already. Anyways, one thing is clear to us now. We are going to make video tutorials on this topic since it is requested more frequently.
Thank you @MrJBRPG , your feedback is very much appreciated.
I also have a question for AIM Physics Controller 2D in regards to using an objective for speed when AIM context is used: What determines the speed multiplier for the source moving agent from the objective? When I applied it onto the target object, I have not noticed a difference in the overall speed of the source moving agent.
However, I will also take you advice on individual tweaking since your overall goal is to provide enough tools modular enough that the individual user can make as many tweaks as they please.
P.S. I wonder how things are going along with the Path Structure and Behavior component for the AI? It looks very promising based on the screenshot alone.
Letâs have a look at the bottom of this documentation picture:
Weâre confronted with Speed or Objective As Speed. Now, when you set Objective As Speed to an integer representing an actual objective of the context, then the applied force for moving the agent is obtained via the objective value corresponding to the direction of the made decision; i.e. the speed is then dependent on how close or how far interest/danger objects are located with respect to your character. In this case, the setting for Speed is ignored. As against, if Objective As Speed is smaller than 0, the set Speed is applied as moving force.
Well, the path is actually finished. So now, we are intensively testing it. The pathfinding integration is already done, too. Therefore, we need to update the docs and to build some decent example scenes before weâre going to upload it to the store.
Before we can upload any of these features, we are currently waiting for the Unity Asset Store admins to release our Polarith AI Free version. Sadly, it is up in pending review for 14 days now. We hope that the Asset Store team manages to proof this during the next days. Then, we will continue to progress on new features.
We canât wait for this either. One developer is currently working full-time for 3D sensors to be ready as soon as possible.
Concerning your custom pathfinding: Even with the current version, this is not so difficult. The easiest way would be to use an AIMFollow behaviour. With its property TargetPosition, you can easily pass-through your current waypoint position and youâre done with a basic solution.
With the path patch, things will be far more comfortable and smarter. Then, weâll provide you an abstract MonoBehaviour you can derive from, and if you do so, youâll only have to implement a few properties and/or methods and youâll be come up with a very intelligent path following behaviour. It will even be able to automatically check whether its current path is good or not with respect to local steering and other customizable conditions. If it is not, the behaviour can automatically require your underlying pathfinding to generate a new path. Weâll provide you components (with source code) which are doing this for Unityâs pathfinding and navmesh already, but the same can easily be done for A* and Apex and so forth, too. (To be honest, we already consider such connectors for future patches made by us :)).
Well, please, beloved Unity Asset Store admins, let us advance further and hurry up with your review.
After reading the manual, I must say it is professionally written. Though a bit pity, because itâs quite short, did not cover all Polarith AI topics.
âMesh-Based 3D sensorâ, does that means Polarith will support any Mesh, not sphere-mesh only? That would be really cool to simulate a FOV cone-mesh for example
Some other topics I think useful too many: how to inject additional data into the back-end behaviour? Any Formation tutorial? How to change AI steering behaviors with AI state?
Since the Unity review quite slow, is there a quicker way to get the latest version of Polarith directly from your site?
Of course, weâll support arbitrary shapes as well as basic primitives (like the sphere). We even plan to provide you an importer to get your custom shapes from your modeling tool of choice into Polarith AI.
Very interesting point of view. We always had the feeling that we already wrote about too many things in the documentation. In general, we (try to) develop putting heart and soul into less but, therefore, polished features. Thatâs necessary for us at the moment because we are still a small team and have to plan quite well with our human resources. Nevertheless, these are great proposals weâll take into account. Thanks! We already got new equipment for producing more and better video tutorials. Our content producer Christian (our voice in the YouTube videos) aims at releasing 1 to 2 videos per week now.
This would be an option, but in terms of statistics and licensing issues, we decided that it would be better to rely on the Asset Store first. This whole review thing cannot take so long anymore since the package is already up in pending review for 17 days now.
Hello, everyone! After very long 20 days of pending review in the Unity Asset Store, weâre proud to present you our Free version of Polarith AI. If you find it useful, consider buying the Pro version to support the development of new features. Of course, we would appreciate a nice rating in the store, too. Thank you so much for your support!
As you might have noticed, we already adapted our Unity forum thread and product site to match up with the different versions. The Polarith AI for Movement plugin automatically became the Pro version so that owners of the âoldâ plugin will get every upcoming feature as well. Moreover, the version numbers of both the Free and Pro plugin will be kept in synchronization. This way, both versions will benefit from bug fixes and common feature enhancements whenever a new patch is going to be released.
The current plugin versions are 1.3 and here are the corresponding release notes:
Polarith AI is now Polarith AI Pro, furthermore, we now provide a Free version in the store as well
Adapted the documentation for the new Free and Pro versions
Added source code of our controller components
[Pro] Every Pro component now have a Pro label icon
[Pro] AIMSeekNavMesh, AIMFleeNavMesh: Improved editors, they now show a proper bitfield for AreaMask instead of just an integer
Fixed a bug in our custom editor system which made proper multi-object editing impossible
Fixed a bug in character controller editors which caused the value of ObjectiveAsSpeed to be reset at runtime
AIMPhysicsController2D: Removed the unnecessary dependency to Rigidbody2D so that it can be decoupled properly from the actual physics object
Whatâs Next?
We have already started to prepare the release of the next patch. So custom path structures, inbuilt patrol behaviours and complete pathfinding integration will arrive during the next weeks. Stay tuned!
Anyone here remembering that weird path patch half year ago? (Yeah absolutely correct, this one we had to revert a patch later because it broke everything.) Weâre more than happy to tell you that, finally, we managed to release these features in a very sophisticated and highly usable manner. On top of this, we not only added functionality for quickly constructing and following paths. We also managed to fully integrate pathfinding right into our steering approach. For now, we do this utilizing Unityâs inbuilt NavMesh technology, but in the future, we plan to release adapters for the most commonly used pathfinding plugins out there.
Good things come to those who wait (and buy the Pro version, of course)! Let your agents taking advantage of asynchronous pathfinding with the new inbuilt components without losing the flexibility and natural expressiveness of context steering. Polarith AI now combines the best of both worlds in one plugin: Pathfinding for mastering complex level structures and context steering for local avoidance, formations and much more.
As usual, here are the release notes for patch version 1.4:
[Pro] Added AIMFollowWaypoints behaviour to follow a path or an arbitrary collection of points
[Pro] Added AIMLinearPath for quickly creating your own paths or patrols
[Pro] Added AIMUnityPathfinding, an adapter for Unityâs NavMesh system so that AIMFollowWaypoints can utilize this information
[Pro] Extended overall API such that the AIMFollowWaypoints behaviour can be easily used with your custom Pathfinding solution
Improved custom editors, they now follow Unityâs standard with respect to multi-selection and prefab emphasizing
Fixed a bug which broke the multi-selection capabilities of custom editors (if you implemented your own editor based on AIMBehaviourEditor, you need to override the BehaviourProperty)
Fixed a bug where Unity crashed on calling Polarith AI API methods in a specific order (AIMContext.ResizeObjectives, thanks @anon_68713097 for pointing this out)
Fixed a bug in AIMContext which caused the indicator gizmo to flicker based on the set UpdateFrequency
Fixed the PlaneGizmo such that it is consistent with our other gizmos
Whatâs Next?
Weâre not done yet! Weâve got so many ideas we want to implement for you. Currently, weâre busy developing our long-term feature for full 3D mesh-based sensors. Moreover, weâll take our time to make things shine which are already there. That said, in our current development branch, we just improved the performance of massive agent setups by a factor of two. Of course, we will also polish usability here and there, but the most existing feature for the next patch will be a completely overhauled layer system without breaking backward compatibility. Combining behaviours will be much easier and much more intuitive. The creation of queues, boids, flocks and herds will take you no more than a few minutes. For that, we are currently preparing some decent video tutorials, too. Stay tuned and let us know any bugs! Thank you.
Iâm interested in your Asset, and I watched your tutorial. I have one question that is holding me back. In your tutorial you talk about things to steer away from (red aka traps), and the objective (green goodies).
I seen that you placed these things in there correct spots before run-time. Is it possible to make the Objectives and Traps dynamic in run time?
Iâd love to make 100 vs 100 battles, and have the AI notice âtrapsâ when instantiated at run-time (example: a catapult throws rocks, and make the rocks become âredâ as it falls to the ground to see if the AI can run away from it in time).
welcome to our thread! Of course, that makes sense! Everything that you can do with Polarith AI in the editor (all this handy drag and drop and presetting) can easily be done via the scripting API at runtime, too. The API offers you even more possibilities than the inspector does.
In your case, you can dynamically add new objects to the AI world by different methods. Choose the one you prefer:
We recommend using our perception pipeline. Adding new game objects at runtime this way is nothing more than adding them to AIMEnvironment.GameObjects.
You can add objects directly to behaviours, e.g., via AIMSeek.GameObjects, but this is not so optimal in terms of performance.
Let me know if you have got further questions or issues of any kind. Youâre always welcome.
Is full 3D support going to be available with future updates of this asset, or is it going to be an upgrade?
Do you have any eta?
Also, (ok, Iâm a bit rusty about the latest changes to the native navmesh system), as I believe the pathfinding/avoidance system overhaul is probably down in the Unity roadmap at some point, what do you believe are going to be the highlight features of Polarith that are going to shine doesnât matter how Unity is going to handle navigation in the future?
For instance, smooth steering and avoidance were not just available natively?
Please assume my most positive attitude when asking these questions, Iâm sincerely not up to date when speaking about pathfinding, Iâve been focusing on other subjects lately (where lately == months )
thank you for your questions. Iâm going to give my best to answer them all.
Yes, we develop for and with the community. The money we earn with the Pro version directly flows into feature development. When mesh-based 3D sensors are released, everybody having the Pro version will get it automatically. This has always been our philosophy and always will be. One thing which can, of course, happen is that the price for the Pro version will be higher in the future. We plan to release this feature in autumn this year and we are convinced that we manage to meet this deadline.
Very good questions which convince me that our marketing needs to point out such things more clearly. Well, Unityâs steering is very basic, which might be okay for simple local avoidance but easily gets messy for more complex behaviours (think of boids, herds, squad patterns and formations etc.). On top of this, our algorithm outperforms every classic steering approach by far. Our team made a lot of research on steering algorithms back in our days at the university. We came up with advanced context steering which is more than a simple weighting/prioritizing of vectors. It works pretty much like human decision-making because it balances between pros and cons for certain movement directions (in general, called objectives). This kind of techniques belong to multi-criteria optimization and can save you a lot of time when it comes to real immersive behaviour. Moreover, the best thing is that behaviours can be combined as easy as Photoshop layers for achieving effects even we do not think of.
When Iâve whetted your appetite, feel free to have a look at the following blog posts: Steering behaviours are doing it wrong and Context Behaviours Know How To Share. These might provide you a better insight. Long story short: As your scenarios and demands on character behaviours grow, the more time and code our technology can save you every day.
Concerning Unityâs changes to AI: Weâll always provide adapters for the latest stuff so that it can easily be combined with our work regardless what Unity does. Maybe, one day, weâre going to provide an own pathfinding solution, but when we do so, weâll make sure that it will work in full 3D space.
Thank you very much! Iâve really enjoyed your questions, so youâre always welcome.
How movement is handled can precisely be controlled by you. The underlying AI is completely separated from the controller stuff (in contrast to Unityâs AIâŚ). As an example, we provide completely physics-integrated controllers for moving agents including source code. In most cases, controller code highly depends on your concrete scenario. In-house, weâve already built a couple of different games with our AI without any problems, for example, a pong clone, platformers and a little space game.
You see, how the concrete movement is handled depends on your demands and is independent of the AI itself. For an easy start, we provide example controllers (with and without physics).