Poll: Loading Entity Scene failed

I really wanna know how often you all are getting the error Loading Entity Scene failed because the entity header file couldn't be resolved.

  • Never
  • Sometimes
  • A lot
0 voters

I’m literally plagued by it and I don’t know why.

Lately, I’ve only ever gotten it when I broke the rules of baking systems.

It has surprised me how often others seem to encounter this, because whenever it happens to me, it always ends up being my fault. I’m not saying that’s true for everyone else, just that I’ve not been able to reproduce the experience.

Do you remember how one of those errors looked like? I’m not ruling out that I’m doing something wrong but I don’t have any baker errors nor does anything else not work as expected.
I’m having those in my rather simple TPC asset project and more advanced ones.

I most often encounter the error the first time I try to rebake the subscene after fixing the baking issue that caused some kind of exception. Or sometimes what happens is I will get a baking exception while a subscene is closed, I will open the subscene and iterate on code to fix things, and then when I close it, that’s when I sometimes get it.

Pretty much every UAS asset is a legal conflict of interest for me these days, so unfortunately I can’t test that out to see what’s wrong.

Whole unity 6000.0.16+ broken for a webgl build. I am scared that they no longer support web for dots (again…). I mean at least for the last 4 versions it cant load subscenes in the build.

Ah, I thought something more subtle. An exception would be quite obvious.

This is what I got last time I digged into it.

[Worker0] Exception thrown during SubScene import: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
  at (wrapper castclass) System.Object.__castclass_with_cache(object,intptr,intptr)
  at System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer[TDelegate] (System.IntPtr ptr) [0x00010] in <467dcef8ceb84c1e92dc7c69d21858a8>:0 
  at Unity.Burst.FunctionPointer`1[T].get_Invoke () [0x00008] in ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.burst/Runtime/FunctionPointer.cs:68 
  at Unity.Entities.WorldUnmanagedImpl..ctor (Unity.Entities.World worldManaged, System.UInt64 sequenceNumber, Unity.Entities.WorldFlags flags, Unity.Collections.AllocatorHelper`1[T] worldAllocatorHelper, System.String worldName) [0x000a2] in ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Entities/WorldUnmanaged.cs:254

s_UnmanagedUpdateFn = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer<UnmanagedUpdateSignature>(UnmanagedUpdate).Invoke; in WorldUnmanaged.cs i did not find any usage so i threw a try/catch around it and just logged the error. no exception is thrown so world init can continue. then i get the following state: using Clear Entity cache logs an error here: s_UnmanagedUpdateFn = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer<UnmanagedUpdateSignature>(UnmanagedUpdate).Invoke; but nothing more. Subscene reimport throws a new one:

[Worker0] Specified cast is not valid.
UnityEditor.Experimental.AssetDatabaseExperimental:LookupArtifact (UnityEditor.Experimental.ArtifactKey)
Unity.Scenes.AssetDatabaseCompatibility:GetArtifactHash (UnityEditor.GUID,System.Type,Unity.Scenes.ImportMode) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Scenes/AssetDatabaseCompatibility.cs:47)
Unity.Scenes.AssetDatabaseCompatibility:GetArtifactHash (string,System.Type,Unity.Scenes.ImportMode) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Scenes/AssetDatabaseCompatibility.cs:55)
Unity.Scenes.EntityScenesPaths:GetSubSceneArtifactHash (Unity.Entities.Hash128,Unity.Entities.Hash128,bool,Unity.Scenes.ImportMode) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Scenes/EntityScenesPaths.cs:75)
Unity.Scenes.Editor.SubSceneInspector:IsSubsceneImported (Unity.Scenes.SubScene,Unity.Scenes.ImportMode) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Scenes.Editor/SubSceneInspector.cs:479)
Unity.Scenes.Editor.SubSceneInspector:DrawClosedSubScenes (Unity.Scenes.Editor.SubSceneInspectorUtility/LoadableScene[],Unity.Scenes.SubScene[]) (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Scenes.Editor/SubSceneInspector.cs:204)
Unity.Scenes.Editor.SubSceneInspector:OnInspectorGUI () (at ./Library/PackageCache/com.unity.entities/Unity.Scenes.Editor/SubSceneInspector.cs:386)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) (at /home/bokken/build/output/unity/unity/Modules/IMGUI/GUIUtility.cs:219)

Bumping this to get more votes and to bait an answer from entities team. :pray: