Poly count when Modelling

Im just learning 3d modelling and read that game engines dont like a lot of polys on the models.

Im just wondering if anyone has a poly figure that they try and stick to when designing game models or a rough number to stay below ?

And any tips for keeping the polys down ?


Some tips and numbers here. In general, it’s not that the engine does not like polys; most often it’s the graphics card that is concerned about them. So the numbers largely depend on what hardware are you targeting.

When it comes to optimizing graphics, the two most important things are reducing the object count, and optimizing pixel lights / shaders. Polygons usually are not the bottleneck.

more info here:

this page will show you some of the specs for half-life 2 models (read down to performance budgets) if your curious about a AAA title:

my specs so far (mostly based on the unity docs - i’m not sure if this is final, still learning myself ; )

level components: 1500-4000

weapons: 1200+/- max

characters: 1500-2000 (haven’t done any yet but its what i’m planning)

Thanks for the links, thats gave me something to work with.