Polybrush bake vertex streams not working, resets after restart

I’m trying to bake vertex colors to a mesh using Tools > Polybrush > Bake Vertex Streams and it seems to be working fine, but when I restart the editor all changes are lost.

And when I press play while there’s still a “Z_Additional Vertex Streams” component on the gameobject It either gives me the following error or it just disappears:

Mesh.colors is out of bounds. The supplied array needs to be the same size as the Mesh.vertices array.
Polybrush.z_Mesh:ApplyAttributesToUnityMesh(Mesh, z_MeshChannel) (at Assets/Plugins/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Scripts/Type/z_Mesh.cs:163)
Polybrush.z_EditableObject:ApplyMeshAttributes(z_MeshChannel) (at Assets/Plugins/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Editor/Classes/z_EditableObject.cs:444)
Polybrush.z_BrushModePaint:OnBrushMove(z_BrushTarget, z_BrushSettings) (at Assets/Plugins/ProCore/Polybrush/Code/Editor/Brush Modes/z_BrushModePaint.cs:298)

Am I doing something wrong?

I figured out the problem. I had Static Batching checked in the player settings which caused problems like @ParadoxSolutions said.