Polybrush Crash

When using Polybrush Scatter Prefabs on Meshes, the Editor constantly crashes, it is impossible to use this tool. Sometimes it crashes right away, but sometimes it draws normally, but then it still crashes. I tried reinstalling Unity, drivers, cleaning the Library folder, disabling the antivirus, but nothing helps. What could be the reason?

crash.dmp indicates an exception code: 0xc0000005

Windows 11, Nvidia GTX 1070, Unity 6000.0.31f1 HDRP

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Unity Version Compatibility

  • Reason: Polybrush might not be fully compatible with your Unity version.
  • Solution:
    • Check the Unity Asset Store page or the Polybrush GitHub repository for the supported Unity versions.
    • Consider downgrading or upgrading Unity to match the tool’s requirements.

2. Graphics Driver Issues

  • Reason: Outdated or mismatched drivers can lead to crashes during rendering-intensive operations.
  • Solution:
    • Ensure your graphics drivers are updated to the latest stable version. Use the manufacturer’s tools (e.g., NVIDIA GeForce Experience, AMD Radeon Software, or Intel Driver & Support Assistant).
    • Test with a different driver version (e.g., revert to a previous stable release).

Polybrush was installed with Package Manager, compatibility as far as I understand is there. I also tried reinstalling the drivers, I also tried on a completely different new PC with a different configuration, it still crashes.