Hello there!
I run into some issues using polybrush 1.1.4 in Unity 2023.1.0. There has been a setting called “Lock Brush to First” to avoid painting prefabs on other meshes. I can’t see this setting neither in the preferences, nor in the polybrush window.
Where can I find this setting now, or how can this setting be reproduced?
Thanks in advance.

Obsolete? I mean I use this so I can paint on terrains, I have to manually turn of mass amount of objects to paint now, this is pretty annyoing, is there an alternative workflow to isolate a mesh for use with polybrush since its now “obsolete”?
Did anyone find a fix for this? Currently trying to sculpt static mesh “Terrain” pieces to conform to other geo and I’m constantly starting a sculpt on the other meshes, which is not what I want to do at all. I just want to keep it locked to the mesh that is selected.
Not sure in it will help but maybe mark objects untouchable may help(near visibility mark)