Using 2019.3.0f6…Imported mesh from blender (made sure to correct normal and flips to outside) then I select the mesh make sure to have prefab selected. The cursor shows up but when I left click no object appears on mesh? Also when I try to use “Sculpt on mesh” the mesh turns all black? It seems like the “Smooth mesh geometry” works and so does the “Paint Vertex Colors on Mesh” option as well (though darker colors then expected come out). Tried looking for the file to delete but couldn’t (Pro core/poly brush/Settings)…Desperate …cant find solution. Need help…Thank you.,Using 2019.3.of6 personal. Imported mesh from blender (made sure normal were corrected and flipped out.) I select the prefab…the cursor shows up but when I left click no object shows up? Also when I use sculpt on mesh…the mesh turns black turns black? Totally stumped…Tried look for folder to delete (pro core/poly brush/brush setting) couldn’t find it either. please help…being able to paint objects is must for me.
Export blender as OBJ. FBX doesnt work:,Export blender as OBJ into unity. FBX doesnt work