Polyspatial 2.1.2 and XR Grab Interactable (XRI toolkit) runtime issues for Apple Vision Pro

Hello, while updating a project from unity 2022 to unity 6.0 and polyspatial 1.3.9 to 2.1.2, I found out 2 issues with interactions :

  1. with XR Grab Interactable : If we add colliders at runtime to the XR Grab Interactable gameobject, it won’t take them into notice. It was not the case before, and It’s quite a problem for me since I add different mesh and their collider to a parent object (with the XR Grab interactable component) at runtime. The script does something like this on a seperate gameobject with all the colliders :
private void Awake()
            var boxColliderList = GetComponents<BoxCollider>();
            var parent = GetComponentInParent<SpatialComponentParent>();
            foreach (BoxCollider boxCollider in boxColliderList)
                BoxCollider newBoxCollider = parent.gameObject.AddComponent<BoxCollider>();
                newBoxCollider.center = boxCollider.center;
                newBoxCollider.size = boxCollider.size;
                boxCollider.enabled = false;
  1. World Space Unity Canvas animation : I have a spatial UI (World Space Unity canvas) which change scale from 0 to 1 when enabled. With the update this animation seems to block any interaction with the UI. I can’t manipulate the content buttons or scroll. When I remove this animation the UI works as expected. The part of the script on the parent canvas (world space) is something like this :
 private void OnEnable()
        transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);        

    private void Update()
        transform.localScale = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localScale, new Vector3(1, 1, 1), 5 * Time.deltaTime);

I don’t get any errors or log, it just simply doesn’t work when these behaviors are enabled (both in the editor and in Apple Vision Pro build).

Any idea why ?

Thank you

Ok, I found out the solution for XR Grab Interactable. Didn’t see the collider list on the component :

So it works fine just by adding :


For the world canvas I’ll keep looking.

So the problem for the world canvas animation is with PolySpatialUIRaycaster. When I reset this component after the animation, the raycast on buttons works properly.

For now I just changed the animation going from a scale with the value 0.1 instead of 0 and it works.