Polyspatial MR Support ARAnchor?

VR Has ARAnchor Demo , But MR not , I try use script add ARAnchor ,its log no world tracking

use ARAnchor Component log : Failed to add AR anchor. Error code: ar_world_tracking_error_code_add_anchor_failed

Hi there! Sorry to hear you’re having trouble.

Are you using an Unbounded VolumeCamera for your MR scene? ARKit features require an ImmersiveSpace on visionOS. If you only have content in a volume, you can’t use AR features like anchors. Otherwise, there may be other reasons why the app can’t start a world tracking system. Do you have an AR Session, Anchor Manager, and the World Tracking usage description set? Does Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > Project Validation show any errors?

We’ll need to know more about your project/scene setup to help you any further. Are you able to submit a bug report (Help > Report a bug...) with your project attached?

thank u , i create a new project , now ARAnchor working good in MR (Unbounded VolumeCamera)

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Can you provide a VisionPro world anchor project project project on GitHub