Hello, I’m Tufan from Tickinteractive Technologies.
At Tickinteractive, we leverage XR technology to bring architectural projects to life. In this journey, we use the Apple Vision Pro XR glasses, one of the most advanced devices in the market. We’ve developed specialized shaders during this process, and we’re excited to present these shaders to you.
When developing apps or games for Apple Vision Pro using Unity, the PolySpatial package is essential. While the workflow can initially feel complex and problematic, it continues to evolve rapidly.
One of the main challenges is that the visuals in Unity don’t fully match what you see through Vision Pro. This is because Apple Vision Pro uses IBL (Image-Based Lighting) to integrate your real-world environment into the game scene, influencing lighting, reflections, and exposure.
Vision Pro and PolySpatial come with significant limitations, often restricting creative possibilities. But what if you could see the actual lighting and environment of your game without these constraints?
With Tick PolySpatial Shaders, you can integrate your game’s lighting seamlessly into the real world—or merge it with your actual surroundings. You can even adjust the exposure settings as needed. While this is a groundbreaking innovation, it’s not without challenges. For instance, scenes viewed through Vision Pro may appear too bright outdoors or too dark indoors.
check this out :
1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MtRHb8_54A
2- https://youtu.be/kY93c_ke9ns
Download from AssetStore : Coming Soon!