PolySpatial XRI Interactor?

hi I’m looking for the PolySpatial Touch interactor, to pass it to an MRTK interactable. Any pointers where/how I should approach this?

I currently started creating my own script that checks for touches and raycasts against (MRTK)objects in the scene, but I’m unsure how to make an interaction happen with the object. I think I’m reinventing the wheel, as MRTK is using XRI, and PolySpatial is supposed to be built on XRI (right?), so it shouldn’t require much custom scripting I am guessing?

You can add PolySpatial actions in the Input Action of MRTK.

Yeah I tried that and had some limited success with the spatial mouse input. But the spatial mouse expects a continues delta movement input, while visionOS only gives a position during a touch press… You think I should try with hands? In bounded mode?

Here’s what I tried:

  • created new input actions for VisionOS input. These work. However, they don’t do much when added to MRTK components.

Have you added the XRTouchSpaceInteractor component to the MRTK XR Rig?

Thanks I tried it and the position of the XR Touch Space Interactor GameObject matches the Touch worldposition in the AVP simulator. But the click action is not passed on to buttons it seems. I tried clicking on both XRI sample buttons and MRTK buttons but nothing happens.

Is something else needed to pass on clicks to MRTK / XRI components?

Oh wait, some interactors are working in XRI:

The two at the left work and receive click input, but the menu’s on the right won’t work yet. Perhaps something with the way UI Canvas in World Space works? I only testing using Play To Device just now.

In the sample scene of polyspatial, there is an XRIDebug. You need to add the content from the input action in this scene to the input action in the MRTK scene, so that the content in MRTK can be directly interactive

wow are you able to get MRTK to work with Vision Pro? Definitely please share this?

OK, I started with a very rough version: GitHub - jelmer3000/MixedRealityToolkit-Unity-PolySpatial at wip-polyspatial-visionOS-support

I hope more people will contribute over time

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