PolySpatialSettings Not Found - No Content Displayed

We’re encountering a recurring issue when running an XCode build on simulator where the PolySpatialSettings is not found leading to no content being displayed. Running the build in Unity Editor everything is fine, and the PolySpatialSettings are configured as expected with the PolySpatial runtime enabled.

XCode log shows:

PolySpatialSettings not found in Resources folder. Using default settings.

####### EnablePolySpatialRuntime is false, not enabling!

Any insights on what is causing this? Deleting the PolySpatialSettings.asset file will have it recreated, but even with a vanilla version (with PolySpatial Runtime enabled) the XCode build always shows the error message above.

For context we always do a full clean build, into a fresh build directory.

Just to double check can you confirm the package versions, Unity editor version and Xcode version you’re running on?

We’re on PS 0.3.2, Unity 2022.3.9f1 and XCode Beta 8

You should double check Polyspatial Being enabled :

I had an issue with it earlier where everytime i saved it turned itself back off and gave an error that polyspatial was already imported ( i dont remember the exact error)

This is part of the issue we’re encountering (the settings file appearing to toggle on/off), but even when we ensure the runtime is enabled and validate by running in Editor, once we create an XCode build the original “EnablePolySpatialRuntime is false, not enabling!” error remains. It feels like the settings file gets corrupted during the build process, as often it can’t be read in the Inspector within Unity after this situation arises.

In our case, the option box is always turned off automatically when we play a scene or exporting a project. It means even if we enable it manually before exporting, the Runtime is still turned off in Xcode.

I am attaching the error message we see in Unity editor related to the issue.

We are upgrading from PolySpatial 0.2.2, Unity 2022.3.5f1, Xcode 15 Beta 5
to PolySpatial 0.3.2, Unity 2022.3.9f1, Xcode 15 Beta 8.
And the issue starts right after upgrading PolySpatial version to 0.3.2, when we had upgraded Unity to 2022.3.9f1.

It would be great if there is any detail guideline to show how to successfully upgade from older version of PolySpatial library at the time. Thank you.

From personal experience this happens with me when unity on my mac stops responding and i force quit it ( doesnt seem to be related to updating polyspatial) . What i usually do is delete all generated files and only leave my assets , and then open the project again and have unity re-import everything. That solves the issue for me