I’ve been working on providing a mechanism for people to go looking around the shops. People do that in real life, they may go to the mall to buy something from a specific shop but often they’ll have a look around the other shops while they’re there. And I’d like to provide that sort of thing online in a browser.
So anyways I’ve got something functional up and running and was hoping to get a bit of feedback, ideas tips etc.
I’m hoping to have it run on quite low end computers, net books etc. so I’ve had to be quite careful with regard to performance, it’s a balancing act between looking good and running smooth. I’m hoping when I get pro I’ll be able to increase the look and the performance.
Not a bad idea to be honest. You know a lot of young people go to the mall just to hang out…much like they do in the large online social worlds. Maybe implementing some ads in the mall, and letting users go in and browse for free might not be such a bad idea. I could see a Second Life type area in a mall with lots of avatars hanging out. (I know this is a bit off of what you’re doing here, but a decent idea I do believe).
Thanks JamesArndt I know exactly what you mean with social networking and at some point down the line I’d like to introduce it. All the stuff I want to do is split into “PrePro” and “PostPro” Unity Pro that is… But I know what you mean … being a gamer I always think my mall is lacking Zombies Lol
Awesome stuff. Good shaders and great to look at. Don’t think there’s anything to criticize, other than the lack of functionality at the moment. But hey, that’s to come.