Popup menus

Hi guys…

You know we have those pop-up menus in the inspectors, right? (see screenshot)

Do you have any requests for stuff that could be added there? I’ve added a few, but they’re quick easy to do, so fire off requests…


Maybe an “Undo” feature ?

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Would love to have one… However, that is NOT a quick addition, what I’m specifically asking is something to add to the inspector context menus. You know, something that works on a particular kind of component, and does something specific to that…

How about some scripting helpers? It would be handy for it to have a “copy component reference” command of some sort. Choosing the command would put something like this on the clipboard:


Also, the very top one could have some object-dependent helpers, such as “create tag for this object”.

Also, I noticed a bug in which there is an item twice in the menu sometimes. Only the second copy works.[/img]


How about an autosize item in the primitives colliders.

A couple of presets in the particle emitters could be handy, too, to quickly get very different “base” effects.

I don’t know how easy it would be, but you could put methods of the script in the popup menu for the script so you could hand execute them. That’d be extremely powerful and useful… but I already see a lot of problems with it.


I like both of them.

Note however that Reset autosizes the primitive colliders.
We should still add it as a seperate menu item because people don’t seem to think of it as reset.

What about a “Copy Component” that would allow a user to copy a specific component with all values etc intact, and then a “Paste Component” command when the user selected another object they wanted that component applied to? Or is that already in the engine?

Good one, i added the copy / paste component it to our feature tracker.