Does anyone know how I can get started on making a portal effect? (I am using the free version of unity)
Probably so, but you need to explain to us what you mean by ‘portal effect’.
[quote=Tobias J., post: 898187]
Probably so, but you need to explain to us what you mean by ‘portal effect’.
[/quote]Research and innovation - European Commission
Something like this that spirals.
by portal you mean the game postal? well you could use a plane with the texture of a portal. not in unity teleportation can be as simple as saying: one object transform.position = the place. position you want to teleport too.
I guess you could do it by shifting a texture (like the .jpg you posted) you assign to some gameobject (using offset), or by playing some animation created with a tool like Blender.
Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about either option.
Good luck!
I guess it depends on how detailed you want it to be. I would guess that picture attached to a plane with an alpha layer would be an ok portal. You can use the animation creator already built in with Unity to make it spin if you want.
Not with Unity Free.
Also it’s not as easy as you may think (if you are talking about the portal effects from Valves “Portal” game)
First of, your portal must be a RenderTexture (Pro only feature). You’d need two of them. One for the “blue” one for “orange” portal. You also need two cameras attached to each of them. One camera is attached to the blue portal (this image will be rendered on the orange portal render Texture) and the other is attached to the orange portal (and it’s content will be drawn on blue’s rendertexture).
That’s the easy part. going through the portals is actually much more difficult, because
a) you need to objects (i.e. player, NPC, enemy) while passing through the portal (one which is in front of the orange portal while half way through it and the other one exiting the blue portal)
b) you need to synchronize both objects (animations, position, rotation) depending on their entry angle etc.
c) you’ll need some kind of “imaginer space” which extends the portal which as a special renderer, so a player who is partly through the portal won’t be rendered on the other side
d) you have to find a way to ignore collider collision in for the objects “behind” the portals, so your character won’t be bounced of the wall/portal
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Im not talking about valves portals.
Try using particles in unity and get them to spiral.
If not, then heres a tool that can be of use. I never used it though.
Looks interesting, will remember that one : )
Xffect Editor can make the portal effect easily, It has a free version:)!