Porting to android

Hi,I just finished building a game for windows and want to port to android. I want to ask what exactly must i know or keep in mind especially in terms of scripts(i have heard some functions e.g OnMouseEnter don’t work on android)so i can port successfully.
any links or thread would be appreciated
Thank you.

  • Less processor and memory might necessitate code redesign across all aspects - graphics (complex shaders/terrain are a no-no), audio (significant audio lag issues on Android), and general game loop if you want to ensure it remains responsive.
  • Smaller screen size/resolution/aspect ratio might necessitate GUI redesign. Also bear in mind the massive variations between different Android devices - make sure your design is flexible if you want to appeal to the widest user base.
  • Touch input necessitates input/control redesign
  • Opportunities presented by presence of e.g. GPS, Gyroscope, Accelerometer means you can add new features not present in most PCs
