Porting Unity Game to Microcontroller For Arcade Cabinet Build

I want to create an arcade cabinet for my church, and fill allow an user to select from 1 of 3 games. I wanted to used a Raspberry PI, but it seems like the highest 3D graphics a Raspberry PI can render is PSP, and I’m looking for something PlayStation 3 level, (maybe a tad bit less.) I’m looking to be able to render a simple game like chess, except have the chess pieces be 3D modeled.

The reason I’m looking for something higher then PSP is because I want to rival iPhone and android graphics enough so the kids and adults would want to play the arcade cabinet.

which microcontroller is powerful enough? what types of specs am I looking for?

thank you in advanced.


you can find recommended specs for embedded systems on the system requirements page.

The easiest way to work for you would probably be an intel NUC running a version of Ubuntu since ARM CPUs and embedded/headless operating systems require a special build and support package at the moment.