Position Ball

Hello everyone,
First of all, my problem is; Now I have a ball and this ball goes back to the starting point again after passing certain coordinates of thought though. I want to stay on the same coordinate without moving the user. The ball will be reset when the ball comes out from the camera field.

It is like this; Basketball Shoot - YouTube

but I want it to be like that; skıllz - YouTube

I want to do exactly the same

Currently your ball is permanently falling and increasing its velocity. When you respawn it at the starting point, you need to remove all velocity as well.

To achieve the behavior of the second video you will need to:

  1. Zero the velocity after respawn
  2. Eliminate movement until user input is complete

There are many ways to achieve this in Unity. Off the top of my head…

Use a state based approach in script.

Alternatively Use RigidBody constraints.

hey can you help ?