Position prefab above imageview in specific pixel coordinates

Hi, i have this project where there is an imageview (map of a city) and i need to display above it some pins in specific locations using vuforia for unity.

I get latitude and longtitude of places and then i convert them, using the mercator projection, to pixels as described in Map Coordinates - Google. Then, i instatiate the prefab :

marker = (Transform) Instantiate(Resources.Load(("Marker"), typeof(Transform)), position, Quaternion.identity);

where position is a vector3 object with x value the latitude in pixels, y value the longtitude in pixels and z zero. When i build and run the project i can see the prefab created and added as a child to my imagetarget, but not in the correct position(actually it’s positioned way above the imagetarget and the ARCamera). Is there a specific way to position the prefab correctly in the imageview for an AR application? I also tried to use the worldToScreenPoint(new Vector3(x,y,z)) with no luck…

How can i position the prefab correctly, using vuforia for unity, in order to show up inside the imageview and in the right location.

Thank you in advance for you answers and your help will be appreciated

Add a offset like this.

(also i think you creating a GameObject not a Transfrom, so i changed the code)

Vector3 offset = new Vector3(0f,0f,-10f);

GameObject marker = (GameObject) Instantiate(Resources.Load(("Marker"), typeof(GameObject)), position + offset, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;

Thank you for your answer but this didn’t solve my issue.
Actually, I figured out that i have to convert lat/lon values in Unity’s coordinate system values. Is there a way for that?